
just green envy
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I considered the thing I liked the most about myself was the birth mark on the left side of my chin. I once knew a boy that had the same one on the right side of his chin. He was unflawed. I was an autonomist with a sense of hilarity--never dense. I was indolent in the things I did. I didn’t strive to improve my grades or the way I appeared everyday. It was effortless, and misbehavior came naturally. I never grasped the concept of right and wrong. I compensated the consequences for the same mistakes over, and over, and over. I often thought of things to say in any potential conversation that could have ever come to pass. They on no account did. I never forgot any recollection I had ever captured with my camera. It always served it's reason. I wrote better than I spoke. I adored the relationships I had with people closest to me, though, I was not an exceptionally good friend. But, in due course, I had found the one person that transcended anyone I had ever met. He was the most significant to me, and always was. I breathed for music, and music, and music. I always over thought the things i wrote to express myself. I think i did all right.

