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gatineau, quebec

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flat tire
sure i had a flat tire and i had to wait for 4 hours for a guy with a tire iron to help me out but lenny was visiting from denmark and there was no way i was missing his drunk ass.

11.27.06 [ 545 views ]

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TAGS ottawa ontario canada tire lenny denmark heart and crown
flat tire and tits.. that is possibly the way to go. :)
Pornogratherapy - 11.30.06
Lenny traps a cougar pic #20.. well done Lenny
skiamigo - 11.29.06
attak on all fronts - 11.29.06
Oh my!!!
Lola - 11.28.06
focus ? i dont even look there the viewfinder .. its all in the zen
pyrotarkus - 11.28.06
focussing is for babies. besides i cant see anything anyway so what do i care... ok i will
mike - 11.28.06
focus, motherfucker!
grrrreg - 11.28.06
What? No pics of men with long blond hair?
Lola - 11.28.06
yes or i seem unable to upload. no no i just like things dark and mysterious
mike - 11.27.06
either the lens cap was left on for all of these pictures or this gallery is a supreme example of censorship
grrrreg - 11.27.06

All images are copyright their owners and may not be used in any way without the express consent of the copyright owner.

Images on this page: ottawa ontario canada tire lenny denmark heart and crown