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honolulu, HI

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cocaine-a-thon sweepstakes
talk about blasting it into high gear! another night at coffee talk, the usual suspects, the last weekend before everyone else went back to school.. needless to say, i couldn't sleep for days afterward but i only threw up once! even if it was at big city diner...

8.12.07 [ 809 views ]

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TAGS honolulu hawaii usa nude boy titties drugs hot dogs bunnys trannys bangs coffe talk kids fun!

All images are copyright their owners and may not be used in any way without the express consent of the copyright owner.

Images on this page: anna and chikara, chikara and i had a chat about ivy league schools, the best kinds of cigarettes and moving away from hawaii. this cameron, i liked his outfit, but we actually ended up hanging out with him a little while later. this guy was very drunk, he told me when i asked to take his picture, but comeon! hes dressed as a hotdog!!! theo in a bunny mask infront of the liquor isle in seven eleven. he does musical theatre. apparently he used to mosh nude, i gave him a dollar for the bus later that night... this was taken on the sidewalk infront of the bank of hawaii, he just took all his clothes off, right there in the street. alika and anna, alikas wearing real mink, anna is a fellow jewess. the girl in the green hoodie is kawehi, when she saw me she ran up and said 'oh my god! you're so pretty! you're so pretty! hey, hey.. fashion people, you wanna know a secret?! WALLLLL MART!!!!" honolulu hawaii usa nude boy titties drugs hot dogs bunnys trannys bangs coffe talk kids fun!