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gatineau, quebec

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a bunch of pictures on my computer
i wanted to upload a gallery but hadnt taken any new pictures in a while so i just found a bunch on my computer and put them together. yay randomness

1.17.07 [ 403 views ]

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TAGS ottawa ontario canada random shots random people
Eva - 1.26.07
ok so maybe it's a lawson thing but i kinda like the sweater...
scion - 1.26.07
I think he should. I'll put my vote in now. FUGLY!
Lola - 1.19.07
please dont
Eva - 1.19.07
i think i should put a picture of the sweater up on here for the people to judge.
mike - 1.19.07
Hmmmm...it's kinda grade-3-skiing-on-Carlington-Hill.
Lola - 1.19.07
fuck you all. that sweater is beautiful.
mike - 1.19.07
Except for that sweater in Eva's gallery. That is too ugly - even for Ottawa. Sorry man, the girls are sticking together on this one.
Lola - 1.18.07
i dont know. i kinda forgot about those pants. besides they are to NY for little old ottawa. haha... i lie. nothings to anything for ottawa
mike - 1.18.07
oh i remember #7,... why dont you wear those pants anymore?
Eva - 1.17.07
I think #7 should be called "Yay...to not getting to the toilet in time and puking on the floor."
Lola - 1.17.07
i'll buy one! oh and love the randomness.
scion - 1.17.07
the LCD GIrls rock. perhaps ill post their songs sometime. maybe ill make a cd
mike - 1.17.07
I love the one of the girl band. Too cute!
Lola - 1.17.07

All images are copyright their owners and may not be used in any way without the express consent of the copyright owner.

Images on this page: yay dancing yay canada yay fishing yay ...hmmmm... im not sure. yay LCD Girls yay being someone else yay getting drunk and being angry. jeff was not angry that night yay crazy girlfriends who destroy your life and make you have to leave montreal forever yay moustache yay finger ottawa ontario canada random shots of random people