bringing it all back home
Way back in 1987 when Pamela Anderson was inventing the internet, me and the 476ad boys came up with a plan to use the "information super highway" as a way to spread the word about happening pictures, parties and peoples. We knew the idea was bold and perhaps a bit ahead of the curve but we persevered and by the time Paris Hilton had purchased the world wide web in the fall of 2006, we were finally ready to go live.
6, 7, 8 months in and we've grown to the point where we are ready to spam all our favorite peoples with our first newsletter. Frank designed a new home page. SkuD made stuff work. I wrote this. The other guys complained. And you, our sweet, sweet friends, uploaded some hot galleries. So come on over and let us know what you think.
We're still building the site and could use any feedback, advice or cookies you care to send our way. So if you have a minute or three, please write some words here: Contact Us
(Don't be nervous. It's you and us. We won't let teacher intercept it and read it to the whole f*cking class. Just write about what the site is missing, or things that don't work, or even things you like. Or send us recipes. Or, write a love letter to Me and the best one will appear in our next Newsletter.