TAGS Pop Shoppe Pining
I may be one of the few people alive and well during the days of the POP SHOP, and never had one. I have always wanted one to this very day. That, and I never went to Skateway Roller Disco. I cannot think of one without the other.
TPC - 1.27.07
According to their site they now sell cola, lime ricky, cream soda, grape, orange, pineapple, root beer and black cherry. I remember going to birthday parties and being disappointed that all they had to drink was pop shoppe flavoured drink-like beverages. Wait a minute ... that might have been yesterday ...
grrrreg - 1.26.07
Pop goes the world
When I was a kid, I loved Friday nights. And it’s not because school was over for the week (actually I was a geek, I loved school), but because Friday was the day my dad came home from work with a hugely anticipated case of soda that he had picked up at The Pop Shoppe. The Pop Shoppe (for those of you too young to remember -- aka -- The Wigwam Crowd) was a store, quite like the beer store, but that sold pop. You walked around and filled up your case, which from what I recall was a two-four, with whatever flavours you wanted. They had them all: grape, orange, cola, root beer, cream soda, lime, black cherry, and on and on. They had a few dreaded flavours on the menu too, including the ultimately repulsive spruce beer. I don’t know why dad chose to throw spruce beer into the mix week after week, because he didn’t drink it, and we all hated it – it tasted like liquid...uh… spruce -- but inevitably, and out of desperation, we would end up drinking it when the case was getting empty and it was the only thing left. My dad must have just assumed all along that we were loving it. None of use were brave enough to let him know otherwise, because my dad was a pure “don’t look a gift horse in the mouth kind of guy”, meaning that if we could be so bold as to complain or criticize his selection, then that meant we obviously didn’t appreciate a damn thing he did for us. This would have ended with a harsh conclusion: “No more Pop Shoppe for you.” It’s interesting that we all grew up to become beer store regulars isn’t it? Bringing our empties back, picking up cases of our favourite flavours, and at parties, not being too picky about what flavour is left when the supply starts running dry. But the main point here is that like the Wigwam, I have gloriously discovered that the Pop Shoppe pop is still available. You can’t walk into a Pop Shoppe anymore, but according to their website, you can find it at Costco and the Quickie. Maybe SKuD and the rest of you who enjoy pop flavours will want to know this. Or maybe you won’t. No pop for you! I’ll bet you that spruce beer isn’t a flavour anymore…