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Looks like a Yeti to me...
SKuD - 1.15.07
The future of man is NOW here!
I must admit that I am a little surprised at the sudden evolutionary jump that mankind has embraced. While I’m happy for those who have found this next step in evolutions ladder, I am sad for those of us who have been left behind to slowly die off and become extinct. You maybe asking yourself, what the H-E-double hockey sticks am I talking about! Have you not seen the new breed of human that is impervious to cold, blowing snow and other things that come about with a slight snow storm? Its amazing, while I am bundled up, with my hood up, wearing 1800 layers, boots, gloves, etc., these folks are standing around wearing hardly anything. Any day I expect to see these people wearing shorts like the middle of July.

I was at the bus stop, decked out in my winter gear and this guy comes up and stands next to me. He was obviously one of the newly evolved people, he had a light fall jacked on but had it opened and was wearing a t-shirt underneath, no gloves and no hat. Someone might be thinking, maybe he couldn’t afford winter gear. I don’t think that is the case, what he had on looked pretty good to me, perhaps he should trade in his Nike kicks for some gloves. Any way, the dude had to be cold I could hear him shivering. All the while I was thinking why would you go outside and stand at a bus stop like that? Could he not see there is blowing snow and stuff? I was utterly confused until I came up with the above evolutionary theory.

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