Washroom Incident/Washroom Weirdo
In my quest to provide interesting blog material I have come to realize that I am a either some soft of weirdo/freak magnet or am very in tune to weird things that are happening around me. In the washroom are two stalls, one normal one and one for people in wheelchairs, also in the washroom are two sinks and a small shower for those people who bike or those who like to run. My favorites are those people who run and fall down instead of getting that poutine.
So I’m in the normal stall doing my thing, minding my own business when a fellow loaf pincher comes in. Fair enough, my door was closed and locked which is clearly obvious. But for the sake of argument, let’s assume that it wasn’t that obvious. When one tries a stall door and it doesn’t move, you assume its occupied and either leave, try the next one, wait or do what ever it is you do. This person trying my door continues to test the door. He then proceeded to grab the top of the door and shake it violently. At this point I said, “There is someone in here!”. Over the stall door I hear a big grunt and he moves into the next stall, the large wheelchair one.
I guess he had a bad experience at some point so he flushes the toilet assuring to himself that it works properly. Through the stall wall I can hear him undoing his pants and sitting down, then he flushes the toilet again, but this time keeps his hand on the flusher. These toilets are the high suction industrial thrones, not the ones that have a tank. So, all you can hear is the constant flushing. Perhaps his balls were dipping into the water and he liked the feeling of the suction, I don’t know. But I finished up and got the hell out of there, for all I know this grunting, constant flusher is still there with his balls in the water.