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Chick-cat? Dogen? Theyll need a new name if you start making them with 4 legs. Chorse? Yeah... Chorse.
FRANK! - 10.13.06
didn't you hear? kfc is now ""KFC"" because it's not really chicken that they feed us... it's genetically mutated chicken that have like 10 legs out of their bodies. so it can't be called chicken and there was a whole lawsuit against them and their name. so now.. it's just kfc.
Ella - 9.28.06
i did read an article that said two farmers found a chicken with four legs
pyrotarkus - 9.27.06
i myself prefer a boneless breast. which is why i think i like you so much, my dear.
Brad Walsh - 9.27.06
fact: chickens have two legs.
today i applied for Cooper Union Art School. they only accept 60 students a year but if you get in you automatically get a full ride scholarship.... which is amazing because the tuition is $30,000 a year. i am going to build up my portfolio so its strong enough for portfolio day. if nothing else, atleast i have some sort of motivation and artistic direction in my life right now.

you know, i had a startling epiphany while kicking ass on the internets jungle gym (more commonly known as googly images).... i dont know if i can express to you how surreal it is to me but....you realize... that your teeth are connected DIRECTLY TO YOUR SKULL?! you can look at a skull and know what that person looked like when they smiled for their family portraits.... ew, it really weirds me out.

my bewildering realization of the blatently obvious reminds me of the time emily and i were having a drawing contest at the laundromat and i was supposed to draw a chicken or a turkey or something... and mine had four legs. and i didnt realize that it wasnt anatomically correct until emily said something. its weird they only have two legs. for the sake of my confusion... i think they should be made with four. and you know, with the help of genetic engineering they probably WILL be made with four one day.....because everyone likes eating the legs best.

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