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Music/Fashion/Art/My Lovely Friends www.myspace.com/iloveglam

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i'd love to come back to jakarta!!! i had such an awesome time with you and the friends you introduced me to. i wish i can eventually host you the same here in san francisco! you're wonderful!
joxelito - 8.23.07
kiki! you are my international sweetheart! xoxo
joxelito - 8.21.07
stcolapop - 8.5.07

thats awesome i love that pic by the way looks like something out of a magazine or something ...im doing well getting a new tattoo tomorrow :)


love&confusion - 7.26.07

awweee thanks but i  have to say the same for you hehe whats been up?


love&confusion - 7.20.07

np! im still kinda new at this haha but i love your pics they are awesome !

xo LP

love&confusion - 7.18.07

whaazzuup doll?!

just a quicky,

yep 2 looong time!

i've been friggin bizzy again

i'll try 2 add sum nu pix soon


patisfaction - 7.5.07
way jiggy that is one of the funkiest bands in town . www.myspace.com/txfunk
pyrotarkus - 7.2.07
actually i know a few people who will be going to that, for their birthday. im not sure if i will be able to make it as i may need to study for exams.
Winston - 6.13.07
Hello to you too! Your pics really are awesome!!
jschmitz - 6.12.07
im loving your pics!
maaaaar - 6.12.07
I feel you would be perfect as a model, darling you look marrrvoulous. : )
living the lie - 6.12.07
helloo. im doing fine thanks. i love your pictures!
lindsey - 6.11.07

good morning to you!

lots of kiddie pictures these days!!

whooooooooottttt summmmeerrr!

Eva - 6.11.07
hey i finally saw ur friends band , young and restless, they were soo good. i took a few pictures in my latest gallery
Winston - 6.9.07
good! how are you? I'm working on a street fashion book right now too. btw, i think that hoodie is L.A.M.B.
m i c h a e l - 6.6.07
I love the colours of your world, so vibriant and alive. thank you for your comments on my black and whites, it is a medium I greatly enjoy and if I ever get the oppurtunity to visit, I would be greatly honoured if you posed for me.
living the lie - 6.5.07
you have more colors than we do!! wow.
Bronques - 6.4.07
Eva - 6.3.07

yooo kiks kabar baik mountainbike?!

kewl banner

been friggin bizzy, shot my ass off

post sum partypix soon

patisfaction - 5.27.07
now we need to make KIKI famous... oh as if you arent already!
mike - 5.25.07

I love the banner!! haah sooo funny

Eva - 5.20.07
did you miss us ?
killshopkill - 5.14.07
that's a banner!
Bronques - 5.6.07
Thanks I have lots more that need to go up from that trip.
ArcadiaStar - 5.5.07
so kiki... got any big parties, big fun, big times coming up?
mike - 5.4.07
Oz is good. getting colder. for some reason i dont see the connection between her and lindsay lohan.
pai lei - 5.2.07
Golf and Burger King!!! I am so there, jr. burger putt-putt, I 'd be crazy not to. sincerely, The Vagatarians
living the lie - 4.27.07
do they have golf there? I'll leave a message on myspace. I am often pretty tight lipped...mums the word and all that sort. But there oh god, I rant. Thanks for your comments i appreciate them sweet lily flower of indonesia. sincerely, Brass Knuckles Betty
living the lie - 4.26.07
dear goddess of indonesia, i love the new banner...
mike - 4.24.07
and i hola back at you dear kiki...
mike - 4.20.07
Hey good-lookin. Wanted to leave a comment about the camera epidemic. Its a conspiracy theory against us photographers! Eitherwise i love your style and your down like Charlie Brown . Peace justin
Nosocks - 4.14.07
heyhey, check the switzerland-shit!
TOOLATE - 4.13.07
Hey Kikiiiiiii! Keep rockin JK!
FRANK! - 4.13.07
Great galleries! Hope you enjoyed ours!
Kids With Snakes - 3.28.07
Here is Non, directly from the another side of the world. When here is day, there is night. So let's forget the time and enjoy the whole life :)
Nonstop - 3.17.07
hey hey,.. im well thanks,. i have a bit of the flu. Kinda sucks but,. such is life. How are you? Whats going on? xxx
Eva - 3.10.07
yo Kiki whzuup?!
how r things goin? cuz lotso bad stuff happnin in indoland right now; earthquakes @Padang & crash @ Yogyakarta :(
anyways, where i've been?
was friggin bizzy, cuz i was preppin & still havin my Xpo
patisfaction - 3.7.07
you should come to my party; "glamorama" in april!
m i c h a e l - 2.28.07
Yo to you my glamourous friend...
mike - 2.27.07
I love glam too... When are you going to IBIZA this summer?
2NIGHT - 2.26.07
Thanks me too :) btw your pictures are great. -Tai
Live-aloud - 2.21.07
thanks so much for all the cute comments. and i fucking love your photos.
Nicola C - 2.20.07
i know... i know,.. i need to come there and party!
Eva - 2.19.07
it was fucking awesome there. I want to travel now dammit!!
Eva - 2.15.07
hey kiki,
? had a sweeet Valentine's Day?! ?
patisfaction - 2.15.07
you are too cute! if you come to ny. you have a friend! xxoo
VictoriaCupcakes - 2.10.07
the pictures will be coming,. mike has them actually,. so ill have to bug him. oh and that ass has my camera at his house.
Eva - 2.8.07
hey,. heard about all the water,. :( hows it going there? xx
Eva - 2.7.07
my wolf and cub gallery is in the featured gallery pretty exciting, i will put up the music fest stuff soon, i ended up going to this cool after party where daft punk's manager and a guy from the french electro duo justice djed.
Winston - 2.6.07
hey how`s my indonesian partypix buddy doin?
lookin 4ward 2 more of yr action!
btw how r things goin with the heavy rain floods?!
hope yr ok!!

tried b4 lastnite but server was down..
patisfaction - 2.5.07
Go Glam! Asians best pics ever!
Nonstop - 2.3.07
yo, i really should have visited jarkarta but i didnt have enough time, omg tomorow i am going to this amazing music festival!!! the killers, presets, peaches, justice the list goes on and there is this massive dance hall! and then im gonna go with my friend to this cool after party so expect lootts of pics!
Winston - 2.1.07
kelas 2 sma. hehehe ada myspace/msn/ym?we can chat all we want x)
heavenchild - 1.30.07
wah itu udah ada 2 galleries dibuat,emang ga ada yah? more pics to come..!hehehe klo ada acara undang2 ya..hahaha :D
heavenchild - 1.29.07
hey im back from thailand much been happening on 476ad since i was gone?
Winston - 1.27.07
wow! i love ur pics. amazing party with amazing people x)
heavenchild - 1.26.07
sup kiki! sf is kinda wet and cold today...
drzza - 1.26.07
teaching you to knit,.. i can do that! We shall have a knitting party with fun and booze!!
Eva - 1.26.07
gorgeous, all of them. you have amazing style :)
Nicola C - 1.19.07
oh yes kiki lets have a toy guitar party!
mike - 1.3.07
can you help me??? where is the COMMENTS section of your HOME page?? i dont see it so i cant approve of the few comments ive gotten!!! thanks
amelia - 1.2.07
apa kabarrrr?! nice 2 c u crazy ppl havin a ball! ;p
patisfaction - 12.27.06
merry christmas! :)
Eva - 12.27.06
damn kiki, i love your banner
mike - 12.27.06
yeah, im a bit busy too.. a lot to do before x-mas. Are you going to any good parties at the holiday?
moisture - 12.19.06
HEY! im fine, how about you? what are you up to then?
moisture - 12.18.06
ciao lady... i wating 4 u here for my party on 29 december in napes italy kiss ;) have u got a msn messenger?
genny - 12.13.06
iya mbak kiki aku yang di hard rock cafe waktu itu. oh..iyaaa aku heder dari sidoarjo tapi aku sekarang lagi kerja di jakarta!! mbak kiki kapan ada gigs lagi?. kalau ada beritau saya ya. aku pengen ngobrol banyak ama mbak kiki!!!! see ya!! terima kasih ya mbak kiki
heder - 12.8.06
heder - 12.7.06
jah got some lovely galleries :)
mbwuh - 12.6.06
yeah! come to sweden and show them how to party!!
moisture - 11.29.06
hey, i saw there was a link to your profile on lastnightsparty... awesome
mike - 11.28.06
wow u listen to young and restless that is soo cool, i didnt think anyone knew them outside australia. i m going miss them when they come to adelaide though
Winston - 11.27.06
i wanna come to this party !
pyrotarkus - 11.25.06
thankyou! i love yours aswell.
Pornogratherapy - 11.24.06
cool banner ;-)
zahos - 11.24.06
why hello to you. Im coming to the fucking party whoo hooo!
Eva - 11.23.06
fuck yea!
Bronques - 11.22.06
i think everyone should go to jakarta and party with kiki!
mike - 11.21.06

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