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Hello. I am a certified Micropigmentologist(permanent make up tattoo artist). I live in Dayton ,Ohio but I will change that someday. I have traveled the U.S. alot and used to do some adult work but , I took a long break and started on my body art , which a while ago, was not accepted in the biz. I am now seeking to work again if applicable. Most nights, I am mountainbiking the city , taking pics.....I love to take photos , I am a complete novice at it but , I enjoy taking pics at night. I love tatts. I love my dogs...they are punks.......iOh, I am also told that i am a very cool mom!!

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Just pics I have taken . I enjoy taking pics and playing with pho ...
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SEE THE WHOLE GALLERY [ 7 pix ] 6.14.07

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