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I couldn't agree more! I never understood that whole "under construction" thing. Just type something to tide people over until you think of something cooler, really.
thrilla vanilla - 6.6.08
You know what I don't understand?
People who claim that their myspaces are "under constuction."


All you gotta do is go on google, type in myspace layouts, pick one, copy/paste it, and voila! Perfectly constructed myspace.

Should it really take you a month to fix up your page? You aren't actually building anything. Like, I'm pretty sure that YOU are not doing the encoding for the page. The majority of the universe is too damn lazy for all that. That's why there are WEBSITES to help you with that.

Trying to think of something perfect to say in your about me? Try your name, a hobby or two, something obsure like your love of toaster strudel, your dog named Alowicious, your irrational fear of bubbles. It's not really all that hard you know.

But come on, once you pass that "Under Construction" one month mark... that just makes you lazy/sad.

Plus. A persons myspace is like a living organism. It never stops growing. You're always going to feel the need to make something different, add something new. Its ALWAYS "under construction."

There really is no need for you to make an official statement about it.



And in a completely unrelated topic.

You know what?

I love me some The Verve.

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