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TAGS go touring rock travel nyc driving
THE GO east coast tour
Returned yesterday from a road trip to see The GO in NYC. Started out driving straight for New York but when we got in Ohio decided to curve our direction to Washington DC in order to catch The Go at the Rock and Roll Hotel. The venue was unique - miniature hanging guitars with bat wings swung from the ceiling, somehow lending a Detroit feel to the room. "Dude this is the sweetest venue I've ever seen," said FREER bassist Jeffrey when we first arrived. "Have you seen the upstairs yet? You have to go upstairs. It's so sweet man."

We walked up the stairs to find a crowd of people around the bar, all of them seemingly noticing us as we entered the room. "What are you drinking?" Matthew asked. "Um, just a cheap beer I guess. Thank you," I said. "Wait, no - I'll have a vodka cranberry. Thank you very much."

"What's Shevy drinking?" he asks me.

"Honestly, he likes cheap beer. Anything cheap."


"Yeah, PBR, Miller High Life, whatever."

As Matthew walks to the bar I notice the security guy hanging out by the door. I introduce myself and tell him I booked the show. "Is the venue owner around? I'd like to meet him," I said.

"Yeah, he's right over there in the black shirt," he said. "You came all the way from Detroit to see the show? That's cool. You see that red-head behind the bar? That's Kelley. She's from Detroit too."


Matthew returns with the drinks. Shevy and Andy suddenly appear just in time for a toast. "To THE GO," as we take our sips.

Drinks in hand, the four of us walk down the stairs and enter the stage room. There's a good amount of people in the room, although many are lounging outside smoking cigarettes on the sidewalk. Immediately I see Nick from the Belmont in Hamtramck working The Go's merch booth.

"Hey!" I call out to him as I run over to the table. "How are you?"

"Good," he responds. "How are you?"

I'm wondering if he remembers who I am. "It's Kim - from Sinister Foxy? I met you at the Belmont with Troy Gregory and - "

"And Northern Lights at your showcase. Of course I remember," he smiles. "I didn't know you were going to be here. Who'd you come with?"

"Yeah, I came with Shevy. Do you know Shevy?" I look back. "He's over there in the blue shirt. Do you know that I booked The Go's tour?"

"Cool, no I didn't know that. Are you going to New York tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I can't wait. I love New York. Hey, there's Howard, I'm going to go say hi to him, ok? I'll see you later!"

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